How To Protect Your Mobile Devices From Juice Jacking

Functions of Your Smartphones USB as a charge port

The concept is simple, leading smart phones on the market have been designed to utilize the same port for charging the phone as data transfer. This opens the opportunity to trick a user in need of a charge to expose their phone's data port.

Basically Juice Jacking is stealing the data of a clueless victim while their devices are kept for charging.

(Credit card information’s, personal pics, videos, important data, basically everything on your phone gets stolen. There are some situations when your devices gets infected with malicious scripts and Ransomeware while the device is on charge) 

With juice jacking, the vulnerability or attack vector is the phone's USB port, the exposure factor is dependent on the user's awareness of this possible attack method and their phone's battery life. When these two factors come together, the unsuspecting user plugs their phone into a malicious system, the attack is able to take place. In the age where business executives travel regularly, and depend on access to their phones to respond to emails, check their schedule, etc.. (Basic work routines) this vector may come up more often than people presume. Luckily, this attack is entirely theoretical.

There is no reason to presume the kiosksfilling airports are inherently malicious. The proof of concept exists though, which is why it's a concern and a defense should be put in place. Options of defending against this possible attack are easy, and can be approached from many angles.
What we advise the user to do is avoid charging stations at all cost and instead carry a power bank.
You really don’t need your personal infos.Spreading over the deep web.

There are prevention methods also to avoid juice jacking and one of it is using a USB Condom. These miniature protective devices can be bought online or you can even Do It Your Self.

The following link is a DIY Tutorial on making a USB Condom

This is a circuit based Project Please try if your interested or else another way to prevent Juice Jacking is stop using Kiosk's 

Here is what a finished Juice Jacking Protective device will look like

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