NOTE: All commands must be executed in the TERMINAL only. TERMINAL can be invoked by pressing the (CTRL+ALT+t) buttons
1. Install the Unity Tweak Tool:
Installing the Unity Tweak Tool provides
users with a fast, simple and easy-to-use interface with which to
access many useful and little known features and settings of the desktop
environment that one may want to configure.
Command to be executed:
sudo apt install unity-tweak-tool
2. Changing the Position of the Unity Launcher:
People new to a Linux system might not like the side docked Unity Launcher, They prefer the "Windows" type of launcher.
Well now changing the Position of the Unity Launcher is made possible in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. On execution of the command given below you launcher will shift to the bottom of the screen.
The launcher Position can also be changed using the Unity Tweak Tool.
Command to be executed:
gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom
3. Make the Terminal look Awesome:
The terminal seriously looks like crap the way its loaded, So making it transparent kinda looks cool, Well atleast to me it does.
Open the terminal and click on the edit tab and from the drop down select the "Profile Preferences"
From the new window that appears select the colours tab.
Now check the " Use Transparent Background" and your all set with an Awesome looking terminal.
Open the terminal and click on the edit tab and from the drop down select the "Profile Preferences"
Now check the " Use Transparent Background" and your all set with an Awesome looking terminal.
Keep your system up to date by getting you softwares and packages updated
Command to be executed:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
5. Display Your User Name On The Top Menu Bar:
Some people might like their name to be displayed you know to get a cooler look, well this command does just that thing.
Command to be executed:
gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.session show-real-name-on-panel true
The user name will be displayed on the upper right corner of the screen.
To remove the name type:
gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.session show-real-name-on-panel false
6. Installing VLC Media Player
Ubuntu as well other Linux Distros comes with a ton of Multimedia packages but not VLC. VLC has been proven to be quite responsive and useful in "Windows",
Hence we now have VLC for Ubuntu too.
Command to be executed:
Installing VLC from the Ubuntu repositories:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vlc
7. Installing Telegram Desktop:
Instant messaging on you system, Which syncs to your smart phone too provided you have the Telegram app on the device.
Telegram for all platforms can be downloaded in the link given below:
Telegram for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Once downloaded extract the files and you will get a Telegram Folder.
Ubuntu as well other Linux Distros comes with a ton of Multimedia packages but not VLC. VLC has been proven to be quite responsive and useful in "Windows",
Hence we now have VLC for Ubuntu too.
Command to be executed:
Installing VLC from the Ubuntu repositories:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install vlc
7. Installing Telegram Desktop:
Instant messaging on you system, Which syncs to your smart phone too provided you have the Telegram app on the device.
Telegram for all platforms can be downloaded in the link given below:
Telegram for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Once downloaded extract the files and you will get a Telegram Folder.
- Open the folder and you will see two executable files.
- Right click anywhere in the background and select open terminal from the drop down.
- Execute the command: ./Telegram
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